Let’s Have a “Do Over”

One of the echoing phrases in my mind from childhood games is “let’s have a do over!” That phrase was typically laced with a little anger, some self pity and the painful agony of. Defeat. As we limp, drag and maybe even crawl towards the conclusion of each year I can guarantee that there are some of us perhaps even MOST of us praying, whispering or even screaming “can this next year be a do over!!!!” The answer holds both the unchangeable truth and the sunrise of hope. No, the lost loved ones can’t be hugged, the disastrous consequences of impulse decisions can’t be reversed, missed opportunities are gone like vapor and some relationships left only the ashes of lessons without love. BUT, if you’re determined enough, resilient enough, intentional enough you can create your own DO OVER!

From something as high stake as starting that business/ministry or reconciliation with that person that your heart yearns for because you took votes from people who heard their own hearts and not yours. You are worthy of a DO OVER. Even if last year’s tears still fall and the pain still pauses your breath, you are worthy of a DO OVER. SEE yourself before you RECOGNIZE yourself and take every step to the glorious reunion between YOU and the YOU that you are destined to be. Go shopping not merely for what will cause you to walk differently but shop for what evicts defeat and welcomes self love and joy. Start today. Discard old clothes, old ideas, old chains, and open your heart to your “DO OVER”. You deserve it. It is your reward for survival. Now Be Creative. Be Confident. BeYOUtiful. Happy “DO OVER!!!!”

                                                                Reggenia Baskin aka Tee GeeGee

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