Princess DI Fascinator


What Is a Fascinator? A fascinator is a high-society headpiece that is often worn by women at weddings and other events in the U.K. It's an alternative to a hat and usually consists of a large decorative design attached to a band or clip.  Fascinators only cover a part of the head and can be worn on the side of the head. Whereas, hats cover the entirety of the head with a large brim.

Color: Coral duo

Multicolor Feathers
Coral duo
Categories: Accessories

What Is a Fascinator? A fascinator is a high-society headpiece that is often worn by women at weddings and other events in the U.K. It's an alternative to a hat and usually consists of a large decorative design attached to a band or clip.  Fascinators only cover a part of the head and can be worn on the side of the head. Whereas, hats cover the entirety of the head with a large brim.

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Multicolor Feathers, Coral duo