You Are a Woman Making History…

To all the BeYOUtiful women in the world, you are a woman making history! I know it is easy to feel small when you think of influential and powerful women who have changed our world like Vera Wang, Michelle Obama, and our own Montgomery heroine, Rosa Parks. We can feel like our lives are nothing compared to theirs but let me tell you right now that thinking like that is completely and utterly wrong. 

Yes, all these famous women changed history in huge ways and their work influenced so many people, but you my friend, you are doing the same. No, most of us will not make headline news or the history books, but you are a history maker nonetheless. Don’t believe me? Let me tell you why you are a woman making history…

You Are a Powerful Woman Making History

You hold more power than you will ever realize. You influence more people than you will ever know. Your life matters and the world is better because you are in it. You are part of history that you will never realize! As I see all of you working so hard, juggling work and home, carrying babies, caring for loved ones, cooking dinners, cleaning up kitchens, working while heartbroken, working while in pain, giving selflessly to everyone you meet…I see amazing strength, incredible power, and yes my friend, I see a woman making history. 

Let me tell you about some of the powers you have as a woman and why you are a woman making history every single day…

You Have the Power of Presence 

The power of presence means you show up. You show up when it’s easy, but especially when it's hard. You may not have words to share, but your presence says everything. Your presence spurs others on to be their best and offers solidarity and support when things are at their worst.  You are a woman making history because you show up each and every day.  

You Have the Power of Touch

With a single touch you can change someone’s world. The power to hold a hand that is reeling from loss, the power to squeeze a huge hug in celebration, the power to wipe a tear away when comforting a child, the power to hold steady an aging parent. Touch is such a powerful tool and when we use it intentionally and lovingly, we change the people around us and ultimately change history. Never underestimate your power of touch. 

You Have the Power of Praise! 

Every time you open your mouth you have the power to hurt or the power to heal. What an incredibly strong and history making power! In a world that wants to hurt others and tear them down every chance it gets, you are a woman making history when you choose to use your words to heal! 

When we encourage others both privately and publicly, the spark is ignited within each other to give it our all just one more day. Strongholds of fear, doubt, and insecurity are broken! Remember “A candle loses nothing when it lights another.” and “Real queens fix each other’s crowns.” Take every opportunity to encourage those around you. Speak words of life and change history one sentence at a time. The power of praise is real and you are a woman making history when you harness that power for good! 

It’s Never Too Late to Do Some Good…

When you intentionally use your powers for good, you are a woman making history! Do not sell yourself short. It is easy to feel small and overlooked in the day to day, but you have no idea how your role fits into this bigger picture of life. Vera Wang, Michelle Obama, Rosa Parks and so many other famous women in history all had other women in their lives who spurred them on to keep going. Women that showed up for them, hugged them and held their hand, and who encouraged them when life was hardest. 

For those in the trenches, keep fighting. For those in the valley, keep climbing. For those in the storm, keep strong. If you have loved ones in the trenches, the valleys, or the storms, be there for them. Be a part of their history….after all you are a woman making history!

Let me leave you with this wonderful quote from another famous woman in history, Maya Angelou

“I’m convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they’re stones that don’t matter. As long as you’re breathing, it’s never too late to do some good.”

Remember my BeYoutiful sis, you are a woman making history and as long as you’re breathing, it's never too late to do some good. 

P.S. Want a tee like mine above? You can find it here: Just A Woman Making History Tee

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